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TypeScript Boolean

Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn about the TypeScript boolean data type and how to use the boolean keyword.

Introduction to the TypeScript boolean

The TypeScript boolean type has two values: true and false. The boolean type is one of the primitive types in TypeScript.

Declaring boolean variables

In TypeScript, you can declare a boolean variable using the boolean keyword. For example:

let pending: boolean;
pending = true;
// after a while
// ..
pending = false;

Boolean operator

To manipulate boolean values, you use the boolean operators. TypeScript supports common boolean operators:

Operator Meaning
&& Logical AND operator
|| Logical OR operator
! Logical NOT operator

For example:

// NOT operator
const pending: boolean = true;
const notPending = !pending; // false
console.log(result); // false

const hasError: boolean = false;
const completed: boolean = true;

// AND operator
let result = completed && hasError; 
console.log(result); // false

// OR operator
result = completed || hasError; 
console.log(result); // true

Type annotations for boolean

As seen in previous examples, you can use the boolean keyword to annotate the types for the boolean variables:

let completed: boolean = true;

However, TypeScript often infers types automatically, so type annotations may not be necessary:

let completed = true;

Like a variable, you can annotate boolean parameters or return the type of a function using the boolean keyword:

function changeStatus(status: boolean): boolean {

Boolean Type

JavaScript has the Boolean type that refers to the non-primitive boxed object. The Boolean type has the letter B in uppercase, which is different from the boolean type.

It’s a good practice to avoid using the Boolean type.


  • TypeScript boolean type has two values true and false.
  • Use the boolean keyword to declare boolean variables.
  • Do not use Boolean type unless you have a good reason to do so.