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Why TypeScript ?

Summary: in this tutorial, you’ll learn why you should use TypeScript over JavaScript to avoid the problems created by the dynamic types.

Why use TypeScript ?

There are two main reasons to use TypeScript:

  • TypeScript adds a type system to help you avoid many problems with dynamic types in JavaScript.

  • TypeScript implements the future features of JavaScript a.k.a. ES Next so you can use them today.

This tutorial focuses on the first reason.

Understanding dynamic type in JavaScript

JavaScript is dynamically typed. Unlike statically typed languages such as Java or C#, values have types instead of variables. For example:


From the value, you can tell that its type is string.

The following value is a number:


See the following example:

let box;
box = "hello";
box = 100;

The type of the box variable changes based on the value assigned to it.

To find the type of the box variable at runtime, you use the typeof operator:

let box;
console.log(typeof(box)); // undefined

box = "Hello";
console.log(typeof(box)); // string

box = 100;
console.log(typeof(box)); // number

In this example, the first statement defines a variable box without assigning a value. Its type is undefined.

Then, we assign the literal string "Hello" to box variable and show its type. The type of the box variable changes to string.

Finally, we assign 100 to the box variable. This time, the type of the box variable changes to number.

As you can see, as soon as the value is assigned, the type of the variable changes.

And you don’t need to explicitly tell JavaScript the type. JavaScript will automatically infer the type from the value.

Dynamic types offer flexibility. However, they also lead to problems.

Problems with dynamic types

Suppose you have a function that returns a product object based on an id:

function getProduct(id){
  return {
    id: id,
    name: `Awesome Gadget ${id}`,
    price: 99.5

The following uses the getProduct() function to retrieve the product with id 1 and show its data:

const product = getProduct(1);
console.log(`The product ${product.Name} costs $${product.price}`);


The product undefined costs $99.5 

It isn’t what we expected.

The issue with this code is that the product object doesn’t have the Name property. It has the name property with the first letter n in lowercase.

However, you can only know it until you run the script.

Referencing a property that doesn’t exist on the object is a common issue when working in JavaScript.

The following example defines a new function that outputs the product information to the console:

const showProduct = (name, price)  => {
  console.log(`The product ${name} costs $${price}.`);

The following uses the getProduct() and showProduct() functions:

const product = getProduct(1);


The product 99.5 costs $Awesome Gadget 1 

This time we pass the arguments in the wrong order to the showProduct() function. This is another common problem that you often have when working with JavaScript.

This is why TypeScript comes into play.

How Typescript solves problems of dynamic types ?

To fix the problem of referencing a property that doesn’t exist on an object, you do the following steps:

First, define the “shape” of the product object using an interface. Note that you’ll learn about the interface in a later tutorial.

interface Product{
    id: number,
    name: string,
    price: number

Second, explicitly use the Product type as the return type of the getProduct() function:

function getProduct(id) : Product{
  return {
    id: id,
    name: `Awesome Gadget ${id}`,
    price: 99.5

When you reference a property that doesn’t exist, the code editor will inform you immediately:

const product = getProduct(1);
console.log(`The product ${product.Name} costs $${product.price}`);

The code editor highlighted the following error on the Name property:

Typescript error

And when you hover the mouse cursor over the error, you’ll see a hint that helps you to solve the issue:

Typescript error hint

To solve the problem of passing the arguments in the wrong order, you explicitly assign types to function parameters:

const showProduct = (name: string, price:number)  => {
  console.log(`The product ${name} costs $${price}.`);

And when you pass the arguments of the wrong types to the showProduct() function, you’ll receive an error:

const product = getProduct(1);

Typescript error in function


  • JavaScript is dynamically typed, providing flexibility but also leading to many problems.

  • TypeScript adds an optional type system to JavaScript to solve these problems.